
2021 Tea Import Export Review

2022.02.15 2021 annual US tea imports and China exports

Data from the China Tea Marketing Association and the US Census Bureau (GATS) was recently published regarding China exports and US imports of tea for December 2021, rounding out the view for the entirety of the year.



  • Total export volume was up 5.9% over 2020
  • Black tea exports were up 2.8% over the previous year
  • Green tea exports were up 6.4% over the previous year
  • The 2nd half of the year saw 24% more tea exported than the 1st half, suggesting a shift in tea business recovery. This volume variance is well above the usual 1-8% fluctuation seen in previous years.
  • 2020 saw China's black tea production surpass its dark tea production to become the 2nd most produced tea in China. This higher inventory of black tea may drive increases in black tea export volume.
  • Historically, China exports less than 5% of its total exports to the US



  • 48.6% of 2021 organic tea imports into the US came from China
  • Annual total volume increased by 5.9%
  • Annual green volume decreased by 6.4%
  • Annual black volume increased by 20.5%
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